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To all ancestors of the Wabbaquasset band of Nipmuc Indians. I wish to draw your attention to the outlook or prospects of the Wabbaquasset Tribal history that many of the sanctioned sources may not have made apparent. The Wabbaquassets have continuously inhabited a homeland in Massachusetts, and close to areas of northeastern Connecticut, and Northwestern Rhode Island well before the Europeans arrived. Many of the histories written after eighteen - hundred that interpret our presence as diminutive are not true. Our presence is confirmed by offical documents orginating in all branches of state and local goverments and by newspaper accounts, and by evidence gathered from long time residents and eyewitnesses. These same sources make clear that the Wabbaquasset, while living in a dispersed location were linked by kinship ties with one another and by patterns of residence and mobility in which they regulary communicated and there settlements were anything but isolated enclaves. This homeland model is central to an understanding of the Wabbaquasset Nipmuc history and should figure accordingly in any consideration of our political and legal status.
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